Twitter Gallery Sources

Twitter Gallery Import Sources for Gleam

This documentation covers the Gallery Import Sources that we support from Twitter.

Twitter Hashtag

Import your Twitter media from a #hashtag

Import posts from Twitter that have been tagged with specific #hashtags.

Twitter #hashtag imports allow you to filter tweets by media type and restrict the tweets you accept to:

  • Tweets With Media (photos & videos)
  • Text Tweets
  • Any Tweets

Twitter Profile

Import your Twitter media from a profile

Import media that has been posted by a specific Twitter user.

Your Gallery will continue to regularly import fresh media from your chosen import sources. You can also choose to enable moderation when setting up your Gallery. This will place every media item you import into a Pending queue where you can choose whether or not you want to accept them into your Gallery.

Manually Add Twitter Items

Manually add Twitter medua to your Gleam Gallery

You can also manually add media items from Twitter to your Gallery.

All you need to do is go to your Gallery, click the "Add Item" button and add the URL of the Twitter item you want to add to your Gallery.