Keep up to Date With Gleam Features Updates

8 April 2024

Improved Share on LinkedIn Action

Improved Share on LinkedIn Action

We've made the Share on LinkedIn action easier to set up in the admin interface. It is also more intuitive for contestants to share your campaign to their LinkedIn Feed.

The Share on LinkedIn feature is great for getting users to share about your Gleam campaign on LinkedIn. It could also be used for custom URLs, such as a new blog post, a new product line, or an upcoming event.

Users will need to write a post on their LinkedIn feed to share your link. You can provide instructions & examples to help them.

To get a feel for how it works, have a play with the demo below:

Share on LinkedIn action remains available on the Business plan and above.

18 March 2024

New Follow on Kick Action

New Follow on Kick Action

The new Kick Action allows you to grant entries to users who follow your Kick channel.

You can pair this action with a Secret Code action to grant bonus entries to loyal Kick subscribers. You can do this by messaging paid subscribers a special secret code they can enter to gain the extra entries.

The Follow on Kick action is available on the Hobby plan and above for Gleam Competitions, and Pro plan and above for Gleam Rewards.

4 March 2024

Add to Calendar Action

Add to Calendar action

The Add to Calendar action is now available on the Pro plan and above for Competitions & Rewards.

This action allows you to create a calendar event which then prompts the user to save it to their preferred Calendar app. We support iCal, Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Microsoft Outlook Calendar, and Outlook on the web.

Here are some ideas on how to use Add to Calendar:

  • Boost Participation: Encourage users to save Competition deadlines and event reminders directly to their calendars with a single click. This increases the likelihood of them participating and staying engaged throughout the entire Competition lifecycle.

  • Streamline User Experience: Offer a seamless and convenient way for users to stay informed about critical dates and events straight from their own calendar. For example, the launch date of a sales campaign, or the closing date for submission.

29 February 2024

Watch a Video Action

Watch a Video action

The new Watch a Video action allows you to incentivize engagement with your video content directly within your contests, increasing reach and fostering deeper connections with your audience.

  • Boost video views: Encourage participants to watch your videos, whether it's a product demo, a behind-the-scenes look, or an exclusive announcement.
  • Drive user engagement: Motivate viewers to actively watch your content with autoplay

Here's how you can use the new Watch a Video action:

  • Promote new video releases: Generate excitement around your latest videos by offering bonus entries for watching them.
  • Gather feedback: Include a survey at the end of your video using the Question action to gather valuable insights from viewers.

The Watch a Video action is available on the Business plans and above for Competitions & Rewards.

22 February 2024

Fraud Filter Levels

Fraud Filter Levels

You can now manually adjust a campaign's fraud filter levels on the Business plan and above.

Tired of the tradeoff between security and flexibility? Our new fraud filter options keep your giveaways safe, but sometimes, you know your audience best. Now, you can fine-tune your defense while still attracting real, engaged participants.

Adjust filter intensity based on the specific giveaway, your audience, and your comfort level. If you know your participants well, you can loosen the filter for a smoother entry experience.

And remember, you can still see exactly what actions are flagged, manually review suspicious entries, and make informed decisions.

Fraud level settings are available on the Setup tab of each campaign.

12 February 2024

Beehiiv Integration

New Beehiiv Integration

You can now use Gleam campaigns to grow your newsletter audience on Beehiiv.

Our new integration allows you to seamlessly send Competitions, Rewards, or Capture users to Beehiiv so you can focus on growing your publication.

The Beehiiv integration is available on all Pro plans.

8 January 2024

Block Users from Entering Campaigns

Site-Level Contestant Block

You can now block certain users from entering all your Gleam campaigns with a click of a button. This feature gives our customers the flexibility to stop known spammers or compers from entering their campaigns.

The Block User feature is applied at the Site level, which means blocked users cannot access Competitions or Rewards belonging to the same Site.

Block User is available on the Actions / Entries tab, or the Users tab for all campaigns.

Customers on all paid plans will be able to access this feature.

3 January 2024

New Subsribe to Substack Action

Subscribe to Substack action

The Subscribe to Substack action is now available on the Hobby plan and above for Gleam Competitions, and on the Pro plan and above for Gleam Rewards.

Grow your Substack audience by incentivizing signups with your Gleam campaign. Users can now subscribe to your newsletter on Substack to earn entries.

The Substack signup form is embedded in your Gleam widget for users to take instant action, which then redirects them to your Substack page to complete the signup process.

The Subscribe to Substack action also supports newsletters hosted on a custom domain.

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